MN Veteran Services blog Dispose of Rubble Frankfurt

Dispose of Rubble Frankfurt

ContainerBlitz is a world leader when it comes to trash disposal and recycling. In fact, most Germans live with almost zero waste!

New visitors and residents of Germany may find the trash and recycling system a bit confusing at first. Fortunately, Simple Germany is here to help! Separating trash and recycling can be a challenge for many people, but it is worth the effort. It helps reduce the amount of garbage, protects the environment and makes life much easier for you and your neighbors.

Generally speaking, you can throw everything but hazardous waste, electronic waste and bulky waste into the residual waste bin with the grey lid in your apartment building or house. If you have any large items like old furniture or appliances, check your city’s waste management calendar (Abfallkalender) for a special day when they can pick up these things for a fee.

How to Dispose of Rubble in Frankfurt Efficiently: Renting a Container for Waste Removal

In addition to this, there is a separate bin with a brown lid for organic waste. This is where you can put all of your fruit and vegetable scraps, coffee filters and teabags as well as food leftovers and paper waste. This goes into a different pneumatic tube from the trash cans and Renomat inserts on the bridge-properties and is piped to small biogas plants, which use the organic waste as fuel to produce electricity.

There is also a separate pneumatic pipe for catering waste and takeaway leftovers, which is piped to small biogas plants that again are used to produce electricity. As the system requires a lot of energy, it is important to minimize this type of waste as much as possible!

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